Andor Földes

Andor Földes (later Andor Foldes; 21 December 1913 –9 February 1992) was an internationally renowned Hungarian pianist born in Budapest, who later took American citizenship.[1]



Földes studied at the Franz Liszt Academy of Music with Ernő Dohnányi. On 3 November 1947, he performed Béla Bartók's Second Piano Concerto on the opening concert of the 18th season of the National Orchestral Association, conducted by Leon Barzin, at Carnegie Hall in New York City. It was the first performance of the concerto in New York, though there had been earlier American performances in Chicago, Pittsburgh, and San Francisco.[2]





  1. ^ Allan Kozinn (19 February 1992). "Andor Foldes, Pianist, Dies at 78; Known for Renditions of Bartok". The New York Times.  (19 February). (Accessed 22 December 2009).
  2. ^ R. P., "Concert Features Bartok Selection", The New York Times (4 November 1947): 33.

Further reading

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